Monday, March 3, 2014

9/52 A Moment of Peace

This little guy... He has just figured out crawling and boy is he on the move now!  He's pretty adorable scooting around and exploring everything.  But I don't mind when he gets sleepy, little down time for this Mama is always appreciated.  :-)
(He's also got his first 2 teeth popping through!  
So far not a lot of fussing about it, but I don't want to jinx myself!)

A picture of my son, once a week, every week, in 2014
Inspired by Jodi, just click the lovely button to join in the fun. 


My faves from last week:  
Fletcher looks like an adorable chatterbox!
Love Otto's name, his outfit, and his face.  :-) 
What a beautiful little girl Eva is.  Love her hair!

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