Monday, February 10, 2014

6/52 I'm a Big Boy!

Sitting in a highchair at a restaurant at dinner with Mama and Daddy!
Up until Friday we had always just dragged him along with us in his car seat and then rushed out when he got sick of it.  This time we decided to try the highchair out, and he seemed to enjoy it!  
(I actually got to eat all of my dinner as he entertained himself checking people out and trying to eat the table.)

A picture of my son, once a week, every week, in 2014
Inspired by Jodi, just click the lovely button to join in the fun.

Faves from last week:
This kiddo reminds me of my boy, LOVES his baths! 
Love the chunky baby legs in this pic!
So true, I notice these changes with sadness also. 

1 comment:

Alyx said...

I find that Elsie's done much better at pretty much everything since we've ditched the carrier carseat and moved to a convertible one. I can't imagine those car seats are very comfortable, they certainly don't look it!